growing enquiry

There has been a

growing enquiry

from parents for a simple book for biblical catechesis of their children. We had developed a few small biblical story books and leaflets for the purpose. However, they had only a limited use and disappeared in the bookracks after one reading. For a continuous biblical catechesis and training in Christian meditation of the word of God, our editorial team has developed now an annual edition of a simple lectio divina handbook, the ‘Children’s Daily Gospel. We are launching the first edition for 2023.

The book is made as simple as possible for children. A few verses from the day’s gospel reading are quoted in the reading section. Sometimes, the verses have been rephrased to make a comprehensive meaning of the text. However, we have indicated the full reading of the day for parents to refer and explain to the children whenever needed.

The book is meant for children below teen age. But older ones also can definitely benefit out of it. Parents can accompany the children initially, then leave it with the children to browse through. Each day has four segments.

1. A gospel reading excerpt
2. Questions to reflect on the reading
3. A little prayer
4. And an action to do.

It is best to discuss these segments with your children as a bed time exercise. Before going to bed, go through the page for the following day and make a little prayer with them. This is a sure guarantee to raise the children in love of God and neighbor.